Aeroflot received permission to fly to Tunisia

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Aeroflot received permission to fly to Tunisia

The receipt by Aeroflot of permission to fly to Tunisia issued by the Federal Air Transport Agency can be considered a good sign ! It is no longer a secret for anyone that active negotiations are currently underway between the authorities of Russia and Tunisia to open regular flights between our countries.

Rest in «datalock_pointsreled__creation» «4»>In addition, the possibility of connecting to regular flights and charter flights is being considered, which cannot but please us!

The flights are planned to be carried out, just think, 7 times a week, that is, every day!

The Tunisian side, for obvious reasons, only welcomes such decisions of the Russian leadership and expects the early arrival of Russian tourists to their resorts.

Let me remind you that that Tunisia is consistently ranked second in popularity among Russians (after Turkey). So in 2019, Tunisia was chosen for recreation by almost 635 thousand of our compatriots. This figure can grow several times, since the Federal Air Transport Agency plans to make flights with Tunisia on a year-round basis!

No, you heard right. In the future, it will be possible to fly to Tunisia all year round.

Aeroflot received permission to fly to Tunisia

Tunisia has never hidden or belittled, unlike some states, the importance of the Russian direction in the economy and tourism industry of the country. And sincerely hopes that by April-May the first tourists from Russia will be able to fly to Tunisia on vacation.

Tunisia 2021 (source: Tunisia 2021 (source:

Moreover, despite the difficult economic situation in the country, hoteliers in Tunisia are ready to receive tourists at the «highest level» with all the necessary security measures.

Relations between Russia and Tunisia show all other states that you can be friends with Russia!

So in the near future Tunisia will receive the first batch of Russian vaccine, with which Tunisia plans to inoculate most of the population.

I think that Tunisia's purchase of our vaccine and the opening of regular and charter flights between our countries are links in the same chain. Like this! And let the whole world wait …

And I think we can already pack our bags!

Video source on my Yandex channel:

# Tunisia

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