Found the grave of Lieutenant Afanasyev, who led the defense of the Pavlov House in Stalingrad

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I found the grave of Lieutenant Afanasyev, under whose leadership the Pavlov Houses were held in Stalingrad No. 61 on Penzenskaya Street in Stalingrad, later called «Pavlov's House», remained in the shadows for a long time.

house in Pavlov VolgsPograd = «article-render__block article-render__block_unstyled» data-points = «7»>Even his name on the end wall of the house, which overlooks the modern Lenin Square in Volgograd, is in second place in the list of defenders of the Pavlov House. Although I repeat, it was Lieutenant Afanasyev's competent tactics in defending the house that did not allow the Nazis to seize it.

Pavlovs house in Volgograd. Facade Pavlov's house in Volgograd. Facade

How did this happen?

As you know, during the war, special attention was paid to the selfless deeds of the Red Army soldiers on the battlefield to maintain morale in the troops. And this is of course correct!

War correspondents in the army instantly recorded any heroic deed of our soldiers and immediately distributed them in front-line newspapers.

Pavlovs house of the period Battle of Stalingrad Sergeant Pavlov « wrote that Sergeant Pavlov recaptured house 61 on Penzenskaya Street from the Nazis and took up defensive positions there.

Further events during the defense at home, no matter how wild it sounds, very few people were interested.

I found the grave of Lieutenant Afanasyev, under whose leadership the defense of the Pavlov House in Stalingrad took place

Yakov Pavlov , already in the rank of junior lieutenant, after the war for heroism in Stalingrad he was awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Yakov Pavlov and Ivan Afanasyev Yakov Pavlov and Ivan Afanasyev

Ivan Afanasiev finished the war with the rank of captain. For « 58 days on fire!& # 39; received the Order of the Red Star. All subsequent attempts and petitions on the part of historians and museum workers did not contribute to the awarding of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to Afanasyev.

The grave of I.F. Pavlova in Volgograd Pavlova in Volgograd

Died Ivan Filippovich Afanasyev August 17, 1975 in Volgograd, where he lived all the post -war years. He was buried in the Central Cemetery of the city, and in 2013 he was reburied according to his will on the Mamayev Kurgan.

I.F. Afanasyev. Defender of the Pavlov House, where I.F. Afanasyev. Defender of the Pavlov House.

On the eve of the celebration of the 78th anniversary of the victory of Soviet troops at Stalingrad, Volgograd was covered with snow. The gravestone of Captain Afanasyev, like many of his comrades in arms, is now in the snow. But spring will come and in memory of their feat red carnations will fall on the graves …

Memorial cemetery in Volgograd on Mamayev Kurgan Memorial cemetery in Volgograd on Mamayev Kurgan Watch the video «Pavlov's House Volgograd»

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My blog | tourist| travel Found the grave of Lieutenant Afanasyev, who led the defense of the Pavlov House in Stalingrad

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