I found a place on the Mamayev Kurgan, which is in plain sight, but no one approaches it. I tell you what a place

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I found a place on the Mamayev Kurgan, which is in plain sight, but no one approaches it. Ill tell you what the place is

Everyone knows that the monument-ensemble «To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad «on Mamayev Kurgan was opened on October 15 1967 of the year. Whether this event was timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Soviet power, I do not know for certain. But even if this is so, I do not see anything bad in it. But today we are not talking about that.

2.5 years later, an event occurred on Mamayev Kurgan, comparable in value, if anything to the opportunity to travel back in time several decades ago.

Retaining wall on the «data points -mayev mound»On May 9, 1970, a so-called «time capsule» with a message was embedded in the retaining wall on the Mamayev Kurgan. This place is marked with a commemorative plaque on which the following words are written:

Here on May 9, 1970, on the day of the 25th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany, a capsule was laid with the Appeal of the workers of the hero-city of Volgograd, veterans of the Great Patriotic War to their descendants. Opened on May 9, 2045, on the day of the 100th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany. I found a place on the Mamayev Kurgan, which is in plain sight, but no one approaches it. Telling what the place is

It is known that the event was attended by veterans of the Great Patriotic War and students, certainly excellent students, from schools in the city of Volgograd.

Memorial plaque with a message on Mamayev Kurgan Memorial plaque with a message on Mamayev Kurgan

According to my personal observations, few people come to this place now. Either because it is almost invisible against the background of a gray retaining wall, or because few people are interested in it. And even those visitors to Mamaev Kurgan, who nevertheless stopped at the memorial plaque, do not stay here for a long time.

HeroesSquare on Mamayev Kurgan HeroesSquare on Mamayev Kurgan written in a message that is addressed to each of us. But, as they say, do not guess …

So if you are on Mamayev Kurgan, be sure to come to this place.

And if you climb a little higher to the Hall of Military Glory, in its center you will see a torch with an eternal flame , in the lighting of which took part Ivan Filippovich Afanasyev , who led the defense of the world-famous Pavlov House.


Video source on my Yandex Ether channel: https://clck.ru/SpKBU

< p class = "article-render__block article -render__block_unstyled" data-points = "2"> # Volgograd

# Battle of Stalingrad

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  • My blog | tourist| travel I found a place on the Mamayev Kurgan, which is in plain sight, but no one approaches it. I tell you what a place

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