I went into one of the courtyards of Volgograd and was very surprised. Telling what I saw there

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I went into one of the courtyards of Volgograd and was very surprised. Im telling you what I saw there

Even in Volgograd (Stalingrad before 1961), the city most affected by the German air raids and during street battles during the Great Patriotic War, it is very difficult to find now anything reminiscent of that time.

Now, 78 years after the end of the battle on the Volga, such witnesses can be counted on one hand, and they are what is called «by weight gold».

We can say that the city was wiped off the face of the earth during the Battle of Stalingrad. Industry was destroyed, the housing stock was destroyed, almost all non-evacuated residents were killed. Stalingrad suffered such damage from which it seemed he would never be able to recover.

But thanks to the party and the government, as well as the surviving and returning residents of the city, including specialists and builders, Stalingrad was rebuilt within several years, turning into the most beautiful city on earth. Now the central part of the city is occupied by that post-war building and is somewhat reminiscent of Moscow in the 50s.

It is clear that about preserving the traces of the war then, when the city was rebuilt, no one thought. The exception was the world famous Pavlov House , in which people still live.

I went into one of the courtyards of Volgograd and was very surprised. Im telling you what I saw there

Even those pre-revolutionary and pre-war buildings that could still be restored were demolished in the city.

Wall in the courtyard of a house on Lenin Avenue, 20 in Volgograd, which by some miracle survived the Battle of Stalingrad, as evidenced by numerous holes from shells and fragments. It is located in the courtyard of the house on Lenin Avenue, 20.

Numerous holes from shells are visible on the wall Numerous holes from shells are visible on the wall

What kind of wall it is, or rather what building it belonged to before the war, is not known. Even local residents living in neighboring houses know little about it, and only say that it is most likely still pre-revolutionary.

The Wall that survived the Battle of Stalingrad There are no markings, let alone a plaque on the wall.

But it may have saved hundreds of lives of the soldiers of the 13th Guards Division, Lieutenant General Rodimtsev, attacking from the Volga in this direction.

Brick from which the wall is built, apparently, is deteriorating. The hour is not even — it will fall, so traces of cosmetic restoration are visible on it. It is not known how long this will last …

Traces of restoration are visible on the wall Traces of restoration are visible on the wall

Sergeant Pavlov's house more than a kilometer.

# Volgograd remembers everything!

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Video source on my You Tube channel: https://clck.ru/SuFvn

My blog | tourist| travel I went into one of the courtyards of Volgograd and was very surprised. Telling what I saw there

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