I went up to the monument to the Peaceful Citizens of Stalingrad. Telling about my impressions

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I went up to the monument to the Peaceful Citizens of Stalingrad. I tell you about my impressions

It is impossible to pass by this monument. Anyone who finds himself on the street named after Marshal Chuikov in Volgograd will certainly meet him on his way. The monument is located in a prominent place and is a 500-kilogram fascist aerial bomb hanging over the civilians of Stalingrad.

Monument to the Peaceful Residents of Stalingrad in Volgograd Monument to the Peaceful Residents of Stalingrad in Volgograd = Volgograd article-render__block article-render__block_unstyled «data-points =» 9 «>As you know, August 23 is considered a mourning date in Volgograd. It was on this day, August 23, 1942, that the first massive bombing of Stalingrad took place, during which about 43 thousand civilians, mainly women and children, died at once, and another 70 thousand were injured. According to unconfirmed reports, 550 thousand people lived in pre-war Stalingrad at that time.

On this day, the fascist aircraft made about 2 thousand sorties, turning the city into a terrible mess in a matter of hours.

The bombing continued until August 28. In total, about 12 thousand aerial bombs were dropped on the city during the Battle of Stalingrad. 85% of the housing stock was destroyed.

I approached the monument to the Peaceful Residents of Stalingrad. Telling about my impressions

But back to the monument itself.

In the central part of the monument, a mother is depicted covering her child with her body. Her face is full of sorrow and pain. She knows for sure that no matter what, she will save her child, even at the cost of her own life. The baby feels safe and snuggles against the mothers body.

Monument to the Peaceful Residents of Stalingrad in Volgograd Monument to the Peaceful Residents of Stalingrad in Volgograd

There is another child on the left. He covers his face with his palms, because he is scared. He is alone. His parents were killed and he has no one to cuddle up to to hide from the horrors of that terrible bombing.

Monument « Civilians of Stalingrad& # 39; in Volgograd Monument to the Peaceful Residents of Stalingrad in Volgograd

But the saddest thing is on the right. There are two dead children. Maybe its a brother and sister. Their eyes are closed. They will never again see the peaceful sky of their beloved Stalingrad over their heads …

Monument « Peaceful inhabitants of Stalingrad& # 39; in Volgograd Monument to the Peaceful Residents of Stalingrad in Volgograd

According to the first census, which took place immediately after the Battle of Stalingrad, 10,000 civilians remained in the city (most of them are in the southern regions), of which 994 are children.

Only 33 residents remain in the city center, some of whom survived the Battle of Stalingrad in the basements of Pavlovs House .

Im scared of all this even now!

Watch the video & quot; Pavlovs House. Volgograd & quot;

Video source on my You Tube: https://clck.ru/SuFvn

# Volgograd

# Battle of Stalingrad

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My blog | tourist| travel I went up to the monument to the Peaceful Citizens of Stalingrad. Telling about my impressions

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