Turkey is ready to compete with Egypt for a place in the sun for Russian tourists

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Turkey is ready to compete with Egypt for a place in the sun for Russian tourists

Where is Egypt and where is Turkey , you say, and you will absolutely right. Although in the old days there was always healthy competition between these two countries. All other things being equal, these countries had loyal fans from among Russian tourists, as well as those who preferred both destinations.

Rest at sea (source: https://clbck.ru/RestT at sea (source: https://clck.ru/TJUCb)

Now, in a highly competitive environment, the pendulum may tilt in favor of a country that provides a low price for tours and safety without unnecessary analysis and tests.

According to experts, 2021 may become a year of irreconcilable struggle on the part of traditional tourist countries for the «tourist pie», the lion's share of which is made up of tourists from Russia.

The main players are Greece, Cyprus, Dubai, Spain. But the fiercest competition is expected between Turkey and Egypt.

If 2020 was a relatively successful year for Turkey, then with the opening of the Egyptian resorts of the Red Sea, the situation could change dramatically. Both countries are well aware that in a crisis, a tourist from Russia will go on vacation to a country where the price will be acceptable and the bans will be minimized.

Turkey is ready to compete with Egypt for a place in the sun for Russian tourists

So hoteliers in Turkey will likely have to tighten their straps once again. As expected, it can be assumed that the Egyptian side will win the minds of Russians with unprecedented low prices and traditionally high level of service.

Who was in Turkey knows that with the service in this country everything is fine too, but according to the Chairman of the working group on tourism of Antalya Recep Yavuz, Turkish hotels are almost gone.

Therefore, the ball, as they say, is now on the side of Egypt. Everything will depend on what the Egyptian side proposes, how much its terms are more attractive.

But in any case #Turkey just like that is not going to give up its positions and is ready to compete for a place in the sun on the seashore for a Russian tourist.

It certainly doesnt make us worse will! Have a nice rest!

Video source on my channel Yandex Ether: https://clck.ru/TJU89

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My blog | tourist| travel Turkey is ready to compete with Egypt for a place in the sun for Russian tourists

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