Why did people start going to Mamayev Kurgan? The question is far from rhetorical

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Why did people go to Mamayev Kurgan? The question is far from rhetorical

10 years ago, this question, in principle, did not arise and would not surprise anyone. It is quite obvious that Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd, called by the way the «Main Height of Russia», is for many of us a place of mourning and worship for all those who fell in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Monument «The Motherland Calls!» on Mamaev Kurgan Monument « Motherland Calls!& # 39; on Mamaev Kurgan

Although the memorial is called «Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad» , it certainly embodies the Victory of the entire Soviet people over Nazi Germany.

Until recently, it was customary to come here one by one or with families. Lay flowers at monuments, tell your children about the war and keep silent, repaying the feat of the Russian soldier. By the way, who does not know, 35 thousand soldiers of the Red Army are buried on the slopes of the Mamayev Kurgan.

Currently, our society is divided into two parts. Some people still consider Mamayev Kurgan a holy place, where you can only talk in a whisper.

But there are those for which Mamaev Kurgan has turned into a place for walking and entertainment. And this, no matter how regrettable and offensive it is necessary to admit, more and more Volgograd residents, which of course cannot be said about newcomers. People travel thousands of kilometers to Mamayev Kurgan to really honor the memory of the victims.

Why did people start going to Mamayev Kurgan? The question is far from rhetorical

So, just recently I involuntarily witnessed a conversation between a young mother, about thirty years old, and her son, who walked to Mamayev Kurgan from the side of 2nd Longitudinal Street.

First of all, my attention was attracted by a rather weighty package, which was in the hands of the parent. Its strange, I thought, but, by the way, this is not my business.

uneven asphalt. Whoever walked that path knows that it leaves much to be desired.

And when the boy apparently had no strength left, he asked from the mother:

— Mom, will we be here for a long time?

What my mother replied to him plunged me into a stupor and terrible despondency.

— Until we see the squirrel and feed them all the nuts and seeds, — she answered irritably, showing her son the package in her hands.

Squirrels on Mamayev KurganSquirrels on Mamayev Kurgan render__block_unstyled «data-points =» 5 «> And then we say where the» tiktokers «appear, dancing half-naked at the very foot of the Mamayev Kurgan and citizens walking their dogs here.

Do we really have such a short memory? And have we already forgotten all the horrors of that not far off war? And why go to Mamayev Kurgan at all? The question is rhetorical!

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My blog | tourist| travel Why did people start going to Mamayev Kurgan? The question is far from rhetorical

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